Knee pain can occur because of a number of reasons.
The two major categories are Chronic Knee pain and Pain due to an Injury.
In case of an injury:
Take the load of the affected knee (elevate your leg).
Ice the affected area to prevent further swelling.
If necessary seek medical attention (diagnosis of sprain or strain)
Sprain is stretching or tearing of ligament ( Meniscus , ACL or MCL are affected).
It can lead to chronic pain in lower back.
Manual Osteopath Treatment increases Range Of Motion (ROM) and prevents chronic pain.
In case of chronic pain:
Knee pain can be caused by lower back pain/stiffness.
Sometimes there is inflammation in the knee joint due to Arthritis.
Often the Range Of Motion (ROM) in the hip-flexors is decreased.
Sometimes there was a knee or shoulder/neck injury in the past causing a decreased Range Of Motion and change in gate (the way we walk and move).
Manual Osteopath Treatment can increases Range Of Motion (ROM) and relieves pain.
Come see us for Manual Osteopath Treatment.
